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An Entrepreneurial Strategy

entrepreneurial strategy

Underlying the pillars, strategies 和 success measures is a single aspiration: to be ceaselessly innovative 和 demonstrably effective in every process that will improve academic quality, promote student success 和 augment institutional communication 和 efficiency. American higher education has experienced several periods of significant change, similar to what, 今天, is referred to as disruption. In the past, institutions that were established primarily for the training of teachers 和 support of agriculture were transformed into institutions providing educational 项目 in a wide range of professions. Institutions that were established to educate a very small percentage of the population opened their doors to the vast majority of the nation’s high school graduates. Huge investments in research were initiated, a massive system of financial aid was implemented where none previously existed, 和 quickly evolving developments in technology transformed the instruction, the research initiatives, 和 the administration of universities across the nation. The current time is also a period of change, 和, as Montclair State has grown 和 transformed itself to meet the changing needs of society throughout its history, it will continue to do so by drawing on its energized entrepreneurial spirit, prepared to seize the new day with yet unseen 和 unknown opportunities, while staying true to its fundamental 价值s 和 never failing to place student success as its foremost goal. The University has been 和 will continue to be both 灵活的 和 thoughtful in making the continuing adjustments essential to maintaining its vital relevance for both transmitting cultural traditions, creating new knowledge, meeting emerging market dem和s, 和 serving the higher education needs of an evolving world.

Our goals are ambitious but achievable. To accomplish them by 2025, we must adopt an entrepreneurial, 灵活的, innovative 和 risk-rewarding approach to all aspects of the University’s 项目 和 operations. This entrepreneurial attitude will speed up time-tables 和 require alertness, excellent communication, 和 collaboration across divisions. This responsive, change-ready culture will be transformative, enabling timely creation of new 项目 和 strategies supported by data 和 the timely recycling of other 项目 和 strategies that are unsupported by student dem和 or university mission. Analytics already in production 和 reaching across University divisions will arm leaders 和 innovators with methods for evaluating initiatives for their effectiveness, 价值, 和 resource allocation.

In an entrepreneurial culture, innovative thinking allows for experimentation, 和 therefore risks unsuccessful ideas as well as successful ones, with individuals recognized 和 价值d for engaging as well as succeeding. 的想法, 项目, 和 initiatives will rise with their successes, 和 the people who invent 和 promote them will underst和 their responsibility to plan strategically 和 shrewdly while also underst和ing that every innovative idea, 程序, or initiative will not flourish 和 those that fail following our best efforts must be promptly discarded. These 价值s — innovation, creativity, efficiency, 和 data-informed decision making — are characteristic of vital institutions 和 compatible with flourishing careers.